Passing All Understanding

- My personal testimony on Jesus Christ and what He means in my life. This sermon was very well received as posted on my web site.

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Passing All Understanding - Personal Testimony

Passing all Understanding
© Copyright 2005 – WebPastor David J. Todeschini – all rights reserved
Posted by: WebPastor David Todeschini

Free Color PDF file available

Nothing about me is hidden from Him. He knows the murmurings and whispers of my heart, and discerns the shadows of my thoughts. He provides my every need, and knows my every secret desire. He is gracious to give me what I ask for in faith; withholding those things He knows would harm me. He insures that ALL things – not just the good things – but even the BAD things; the trials and tribulations, as well as the peace and the rejoicings ALL work together to bring His blessings upon me, for I love Him, and am called according to His purpose. He sees to it that I am not tempted beyond my ability to resist; He has camped his angels round about me, He has hedged me in, provided for my defense, and a way to escape the temptations of the evil one.

He tastes the salt of my tears, and puts them in His bottle, knows everything I've done, and all that I will ever do. Indeed, He knew me before the beginning of time, and numbers the very hairs on my head. He never leaves me, walks beside me, and when I am so weary that I can't make it on my own, He carries me through bitter trials, and nurtures my patience in adversity. On my own, I can do nothing, but in Him, miracles happen. He taught me that faith changes things, and things never change faith. He never took His eyes off me for a moment, even when I hid from Him in the darkness. He saw all my sins, and only by His infinite mercy and grace, and by no means of my own works or by my own merit, do I appear righteous in the eyes of God. For all my righteousnesses are as filthy rags, but I am washed in the blood of my Lord and Savior.

I was created in His image and likeness; a little lower than the angels, washed in His precious blood, purchased at a terrible price, welcomed in His holy presence, pardoned for my transgressions, cleansed of my sins, and relieved of my guilt. I was born to die, but I live in Him, and He lives in me. By His mercy I am chastised, by His love I am comforted, and even though prison walls can confine my body, His truth has set me free, for I am now a prisoner of Jesus Christ; my soul has been redeemed to eternal life.

He heard my cursing, tolerated my ignorance, witnessed my cruelty, put up with my arrogance, was patient with my stubbornness, and waited for my repentance. He did not compel me when I resisted, but He answered when I called, and many times I didn't hear Him. I hid from Him for a while, but He didn't hide from me. He kept all of His promises even though I have broken my vows. He exceeds my hopes, fulfills my dreams, helps in times of trouble, forgets I'm a sinner, sees me in Christ, loves beyond imagining, uplifts me in grief, feels my pain, comforts my sorrow, dries my tears, and brings me to joy. He tames the lions, fills me with the Holy Spirit, quenches my thirst with living water, works healing miracles by faith, is made strong in my weakness, carries my burden, saves my house, lights my path, and guides my steps. He is a friend closer than a brother, a comforter, a carpenter, and a mansion builder. He is the bread of my life; Manna from heaven, a lawgiver, and the one who removes the curse of the law. He is a faithful witness, a true judge, and the true vine.

He is a Divine intercessor, the Lamb of God, the Alpha and Omega, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. He is worthy of all praise, and glory, and honor, and worship forever and for ever. His will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

He is called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, The Good Shepherd, The bright and Morning Star, Rabbi, Redeemer, Chief Cornerstone, The Author and Finisher of Faith, The Potter, Lord of All, The Deliverer, The Teacher, The Way, the Truth, and The Life, The Word, Lord and Savior, Son of God, and Son of Man, The Rose of Sharon, and The Song of Songs. But mostly He is known by the name above all names; the only name given by which man might be saved; a name whose very utterance causes the demons of hell to tremble and flee, and the sound of which rattles and storms the very gates of hell, and to which every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess: the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In a bit of wrath, He hid His face from me for a moment, and it was the most terrible, frightening loneliness that I have ever known. When I asked, I received, when I knocked, doors were closed and windows were opened, and when like a Prodigal Son, I sought Him crying, "Abba, Father", I found Him, He found me, and we found each other. He welcomed me home, put His loving arms around my neck. He put His best robe around me, and the angels in heaven rejoiced. With everlasting kindness He has gathered this hopeless sinner into His house.

He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities, and the chastisement of my peace was upon Him. He suffered and died in my place. He was condemned for my sins in which He had no part, in order that I could be justified in His righteousness to which I had no right. He suffered the death that was justly mine, in order that I could have the eternal life that is His.

He leads me onto righteous paths, and restores my soul. He prepares a feast for me in the midst of the enemy camp. He calls me His child, His son, an heir to the Kingdom of heaven. His bounty is plentiful, His love is inexhaustible; His mercy is infinite, and His favors unceasing. He has blessed me indeed, and increased my territory. He has set me in a large place besides the still waters. The pastures are lush, and the harvest is plentiful. He has opened the windows of heaven and poured out blessings. The calf is fat, and the wine is sweet. He has mounted me up on the wings of an eagle, and the cup of His blessings runneth over.

I have known His conviction, His correction, and His counsel; I am like the Prodigal Son in whom his father delights. I have known His love, and tasted a drop of His wrath. I have known His mercy, guidance, and assistance; His pleasure, provision, understanding, and His peace. He knows me better than I know myself. He loves me when everyone hates me; and He loves me even when I hate myself. He IS Love. He has captured my soul. I am His prisoner, and yet I have never been more free. I am not under the law, but I am under His grace - covered in His blood.

In Him is a higher purpose, a better tomorrow, love without end, mercy and grace unbounded, a greater reward, peace on Earth and good will towards all mankind, a crown of life, a just reward, and a mansion prepared for me in heaven. He is the Tree of Life, His streets are paved with gold, and legions of angels adore Him day and night until forever meets forever. His peace is the peace that passes all understanding, His grace is sufficient, and like His first miracle at the wedding feast in Cana, He is saving the best of His blessings for last.


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- WebPastor David John TodeschiniNOTICE

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